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Showing posts with label function. Show all posts
Showing posts with label function. Show all posts

Friday, January 17, 2020

Date and Time format in SQL ?

Date and Time format in SQL

In SQL we have date and time format to show the date and time format in different ways lets see what are the date and time formats are there.

                                                                                1.Date and Time format in SQL

1select convert(varchar,getdate(),1)12/30/08
2select convert(varchar,getdate(),2)08.12.30
3select convert(varchar,getdate(),3)30/12/08
4select convert(varchar,getdate(),4)30.12.08
5select convert(varchar,getdate(),5)30-12-08
6select convert(varchar,getdate(),6)30 Dec 08
7select convert(varchar,getdate(),7)Dec 30 08
10select convert(varchar,getdate(),10)12-30-08
11select convert(varchar,getdate(),11)08/12/30
12select convert(varchar,getdate(),12)08 12 30
23select convert(varchar,getdate(),23)2008-12-30
101select convert(varchar,getdate(),101)12/30/2008
102select convert(varchar,getdate(),102)2008.12.30
103select convert(varchar,getdate(),103)30/12/2008
104select convert(varchar,getdate(),104)30.12.2008
105select convert(varchar,getdate(),105)30-12-2008
106select convert(varchar,getdate(),106)30 Dec 2008
107select convert(varchar,getdate(),107)Dec 30 2008
110select convert(varchar,getdate(),110)12/30/2008
111select convert(varchar,getdate(),111)2008/12/30
112select convert(varchar,getdate(),112)2008 12 30

Time only format:-

In SQL have some time only format lets see what are time format are there :-

Formate Query Sample
8 select convert(varchar,getdate(),8) 00:38:53
14 select convert(varchar,getdate(),14) 00:38:53:840
24 select convert(varchar,getdate(),24) 00:38:53
108 select convert(varchar,getdate(),108) 00:38:53
114 select convert(varchar,getdate(),114) 00:38:53:840

Friday, January 10, 2020

SQL language Element ?

                                                         1.SQL Language Element

SQL Language Element

  1. Identifiers

                      Names of database objects such as tables,views,columns,rows etc.    

      2. Datatypes      

                      Define the type of data that is contain by columns.


                      Symbols that represent specific data type.


                      Perform arithmetic,comparison and logical operations.


                      There are two types of functions
                               1.Built-in function
                               2. User define  function

          1.Built-in Function

                                     Built-in  function is perform specific operations.in sql have only built-in                                               function.

          2.User define function 

                                     In this function user can create there own function but to create own function                                       they have some rules.


                     Constituent component of statement and queries.
                      Example:- var clause


                           Produce scalar values or tables containing of column and row of data.

        8. Queries

                       Retrieve the data based on specific criteria this is an important element of SQL.


                          create database ABC
                          create     :- SQL command
                          Database:-Database Keyword
                          ABC      :- User define object_name

SEVER TYPE IN SSMS ( Sql Server Managment studio)

When you install the SQL Server management studio and then you want to connect with the SQL Server then there are four types of SQL servers ...