> how to find nth highest salary| max salary different ways ? - Code Storage

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Monday, January 13, 2020

how to find nth highest salary| max salary different ways ?

nth highest salary,highest salary,max,
                                                     1.how to find nth highest salary| max salary
                                                                                                       different ways

How to find max salary
 Syntax:- select max(col_name) from table_name
 Example:select max(salary) from employee   

How to find 2nd highest salary
Example:- select max(salary) from employee
                   where salary<(select max(salary) from employee)

How to find top 2 highest salary
Example:- select distinct top 2 salary
                  from employee
                  order by salary desc

How to find nth highest salary using sub query
Example:- select top 1 salary from 
                  (select distinct top 1 salary
                   from employee
                   order by salary desc)
                   order by salary 

Here we used the sub query to find the nth highest salary but above query gives the top first salary but you needs 2nd,3nd,4nd,5nd...............salary we need to modify the query like this.you need 3nd highest salary then put  distinct top 3.....

 Example:-select top 1 salary from 
                   (select distinct top 1..(2nd,3nd,4nd,5nd....nth) salary
                   from employee
                   order by salary desc)
                   order by salary 

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